Body Acne – Causes, Types, And Treatments (2025)

Body Acne – Causes, Types, And Treatments

  • By Srishty Singh

Acne is one of the most prevalent skin concerns in the Indian subcontinent. According to statistics, it affects nearly 72% of adolescents and 27% of the adult population.

Acne occurs when dead cells, debris, and excess sebum clog the pores on your skin, leading to the appearance of pesky bumps. These plugged pores are further aggravated when bacteria start thriving in them, resulting in redness and inflammation. One must note acne eruptions are not just limited to the face but can also occur below the chin, especially on the chest, arms, and back.

While body acne is generally not a serious condition, it can seriously affect one's mental well-being and confidence. If you struggle with body acne, keep reading for a lowdown on topical treatments and cosmetic procedures that can give you clear, radiant skin.

What Causes Body Acne?

Acne vulgaris occurs due to these 3 main reasons.

1. Excess sebum production: Just like the face, your skin above the waist contains several sebaceous glands that produce oil. This oil or sebum moisturizes your dermis and averts harmful pathogens. However, overproduction of sebum clogs the pores, leading to bumps and eruptions.

2. Clogged pores: Skin with overzealous sebaceous glands is more prone to attract dirt and debris from the immediate surroundings. When this debris along with dead cells and excess sebum clogs the pores, it leads to the formation of whiteheads or blackheads i.e. non-inflammatory acne.

3. Uninhibited growth of bacteria: Plugged pores make way for harmful acne-causing bacteria to inhibit them. Results? Redness and inflammation in and around the eruptions.

Common Triggers For Acne

Even if your skin type isn’t oily, you might experience stubborn body acne due to the following factors

1. Genetics: You may be genetically predisposed to acne and breakouts. So, if your mother grappled with acne in her teenage years, chances are you will too.

2. Hormonal changes: You might notice inexplicable acne or breakouts around your mensuration cycle. This happens due to hormonal changes in the body which trigger excess sebum production.

3. Stress: Stress leads to the production of hormones called androgens. These hormones directly impact the skin by stimulating its oil glands – leading to more acne breakouts than usual.

4. Oily and comedogenic body care: Sometimes breakouts occur due to the use of oily or non-comedogenic products. To avoid this problem, make sure to read the label of every bath and body product that you plan on purchasing.

5. Diet: Indulging in carbohydrates (like skim milk, chocolates, burgers, and more) makes your skin more prone to pesky breakouts.

6. Excessive perspiration (a.k.a. sweating): When sweat combines with oil, impurities, and dead cells to clog pores, it leads to body acne. To avoid this problem, ensure to maintain optimal personal hygiene at all times. Hop into the shower and wear a fresh pair of clothes after a workout session.

7. Sun exposure: Continued sun exposure also leads to breakouts on the body. You see, the relentless rays from the sun dehydrate the skin. This lack of moisture molecules triggers the sebaceous glands, resulting in more greasiness and acne.

What Are The Different Types Of Body Acne?

Breakouts, in general, can be categorized into pimples, papules, blackheads, whiteheads, nodules, and cystic acne – based on their severity. Body acne, on the other hand, has 3 broad subcategorizations

1. Acne Cosmetica: This type of body acne occurs due to ill-suited skincare or hair care products. A mild form of breakout – you may observe eruptions around your hairline and the neck. To circumvent this problem, steer clear of shampoos (or conditioners) with silicones and oils, and comedogenic body care offerings.

2. Acne Mechanica: Continued contact with your sporting gear, equipment, or even snug workout wear can trigger episodes of acne mechanica. This is due to dirt, debris, oils, and harmful bacteria getting trapped in a hot and humid environment – resulting in papules or pustules.

3. Sweating: Excessive sweat irritates the skin, aggravating pre-existing bumps. So, if you have acne-prone skin, we recommend observing immaculate personal hygiene. Don’t lounge around in your sweaty workout wear for too long. Hop into the shower and put on a pair of fresh, dry clothes.

Prevention For Body Acne

Before we delve deeper into the different solutions for body acne, check out some simple tips and tricks that will help prevent them

1. Adhere to a consistent body care routine: The skin is the largest organ of the human body, then why is its care just limited to the face? If you are guilty of this grave oversight, remedy the situation with an infallible body care routine. Use a body wash that exfoliates dead cells to reveal smooth, supple skin. Next, use a generous lather of a hydrating body lotion to lock in the treatment.

2. Load up on fruits and veggies: Experts suggest that low-glycemic foods help reduce acne significantly. If you are susceptible to breakouts, try a balanced diet complete with fresh veggies, fruits, oats, nuts, and more. Steer clear of complex carbohydrates in fried foods, chocolates, and skim milk.

3. Clothing choices: We know that heat, humidity, and physical strain can worsen body acne. This is why we recommend wearing comfortable, breathable fabrics that don’t trap buildup in moist areas – leading to breakouts.

4. Stress: Inarguably, stress and acne go hand-in-hand. To reduce breakouts due to increased cortisol, we recommend practicing meditation and mindfulness. You may also try yoga for the betterment of your physical, emotional, and spiritual health – further resulting in great skin.

Professional Treatments For Body Acne

In case of severe body acne, you can opt for the below professional procedures. Before you take the plunge, we recommend consulting with a board-certified dermatologist.

1. Corticosteroid Injection: Used for severe cases of cystic acne, a corticosteroid injection reduces the cyst size, inflammation, and pain significantly. It can be summoned to clear excessive acne scarring.

2. Chemical peels: A chemical peel uses a high-concentration exfoliant (like Glycolic Acid or Lactic Acid) to shed dead cells from the dermis. This method helps address adjacent concerns like clogged or open pores, remove excess oil, and of course treat acne.

3. Light Therapy: Light therapy entails directing infrared blue or red light on the acne eruption or lesion. This process is usually combined with topical treatments for best results.

Best Home Remedies For Body Acne

In case of mild body acne, you can resort to the following home remedies. Effective and convenient with no side-effects, whip these solutions at home to see the results for yourself

1. Baking Soda: The common kitchen ingredient is also a gentle yet effective exfoliant. Mix one part of the soda with two parts of water and apply the paste to the affected areas. Rinse off after 10 mins.

2. Aloe Vera: Scoop out some natural aloe vera and apply it on acne bumps. The miraculous ingredient packed with anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, helps alleviate body acne instantly.

3. Honey and milk: In a bowl, mix honey and milk in a 1:1 ratio to create a whip. Now apply it on the problem areas for 10 minutes tops and wash it off. For those unaware, milk contains Lactic Acid that gently exfoliates the skin to unclog pores, remove greasiness, and tackle acne. Moreover, honey possesses antibacterial properties that curb inflammation and infection.

4. Tea tree oil: Mix tea tree oil with a carrier (like coconut oil) in a 2:1 ratio. Apply this mixture on individual bumps to inhibit bacterial growth.

5. Apple Cider Vinegar: Dunk a cotton ball in Apple Cider Vinegar and apply it to the individual eruptions. This ingredient’s natural antimicrobial properties help alleviate infection and reduce inflammation.

When To Consult A Dermatologist

You should consult a dermatologist when your body acne

  • Is cystic or nodular
  • Bleeding or ejecting pus
  • Appears too red or inflamed
  • Won’t go down with the help of OTC medicines or remedies
  • Has been impacting your mental well being


Acne is a skin concern that is not just confined to the face. Due to the presence of several sebaceous glands (above the waist) you may experience acne on your arms, neck, back, and chest too. Based on the severity, you may opt for home remedies, topical treatments or professional procedures to bid farewell to body acne and get smooth, supple skin.

Body Acne – Causes, Types, And Treatments (2025)


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